
Thursday 26 November 2015

Wicked: Galinda Shiz Uniform

Hello Fellow Ozians,
(yes that is going to become my welcome for each of the Galinda Costume Analysis posts)

Anyway, today I wanted to talk about something slightly different. So instead of talking about Galinda's Bubble dress I'm going to be talking about her Shiz School Uniform!

So Susan Hilferty said, that she purposefully made their school colours Navy and White/Cream  and Galinda being the brightest, lightest character in the school has her uniform completely in white/cream (the white/cream depends on the actress and what she looks better in), while Elphaba being the darkest, most misunderstood character and the future evil villain in OZ has her school uniform completely in Navy Blue and Black. Susan Hilferty (for those who don't know) is the costume designer for Wicked and won a Tony award for er designs

So, Galinda's school uniform has two versions:
                                                              1. With Blazer
                                                              2. Without Blazer.

Version One: With Blazer

So the version with the Blazer, consists of a Blazer (obviously), A pleated A-line skirt, A cream/white (doesn't really matter) beret hat, and oxford heels.See pictures below (individual items and whole uniform).

Pictures (taken from Galinda's Wardrobe):

Currently I am making and collecting items for this costume and I pretty much have everything for this version of the uniform except the handbag. So as you can see in the pictures above, the uniform can appear to be white or an off-white cream colour (yes I spell it with a "u") depending on the lighting but it also depends on the actors skin tone.

Version Two: Without Blazer

So the version with out the blazer, consists of a light pinstriped (white and a light grey or blue I believe) blouse with poofy sleeves, an asymmetrical waistcoat, the same A-line skirt as in the Blazer version, the same oxford heels, the same handbag and a cute little tie/brooch thing (not really sure how to describe it). Pictures below (whole outfit and elements).

Pictures (Again, taken from Galinda's Wardrobe, which is really a wonderful resource!):

*Gasp* No Hat!!!

So again, the colour of the uniform really does depend on the lighting and the actor's skin tone. I thought i would include the picture with no hat, to give an idea of what the wig looks like without it.

So it really is a gorgeous outfit, and I know that I'm going to forever love my oxford heels which I bought for this costume (lets admit it, oxford heels are awesome!). Plus the thing about this outfit is that each of the pieces can be worn separately and with aspects of everyday clothes (YAY!).

Anyway, that's all for now,

So farewell my fellow Ozians,

Becca M.

"Dearest Darling-est Momsie and Popsicle! There's been some confusion over rooming here at Shiz! But of course I'll RISE above it!" *Toss, Toss*

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